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====== MATH 445: Mathematics and Applications with Matlab ====== Instructor: John Gibson. Office hours: Tue 2-3pm, Thu 12-1pm, Kingsbury N309E, or after class\\ Teaching Assistant: Mimi Szeto. Office hours: Tue 4-5pm, Wed 1-2pm Kingsbury N210 By appointment ( ** Prerequisite:** Math 418 or equivalent. ** Required Text:** //Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving,// S. Attaway, any edition. ** Additional References:** [[|Numerical Computing with Matlab]], C. Moler; and [[|Experiments with Matlab]], C. Moler. ** Download Matlab:** [[ | UNH academic software]] (note: requires network license via UNH VPN) [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:policies| Policies on grades, homeworks, labs, exams, etc.]] [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:examplelab| Example of what to turn in for a lab question]] ===== Lecture notes ===== Readings are chapters or sections in the Attaway textbook ^ lecture ^ topic ^ ^ reading ^ | 08/27 | basics | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture1 | diary]], [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:outline1 | outline ]] | 1.1-4 | | 08/29 | formulae, random numbers, boolean expressions | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture2 | diary]] | 1.5-6 | | 09/02 | linear algebra | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture3 | diary]] | 2.1-4 | | 09/04 | vectors, matrices, and indexing | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture4 | diary]] | | | 09/10 | control flow, functions | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture5 | diary]], [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture5functions | functions ]] | 3 | | 09/12 | control flow, functions | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture6 | diary]], [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture6functions | functions ]] | 3 | | 09/17 | vector comparisons and logical ops | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture7 | diary]] | | | 10/03 | contour plots | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture11 | example code]] | | | 10/15 | fprintf| [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lecture13 | diary & codes]] | | ===== Labs ===== ^ lab ^ due date ^ topic ^ | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab1]] | Tue 09/03 in lab | basic matlab | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab2]] | Tue 09/10 in lab | linear algebra | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab3]] | Tue 09/17 in lab | interest rates | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab4]] | Tue 09/24 in lab | loan calculator | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab5]] | Tue 10/08 in lab | Newton search | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab6]] | Thu 10/17 in lab | Google page rank | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:lab7]] | | Monte Carlo simulation | ===== Homework ===== ^ homework ^ solutions ^ due date ^ topic ^ hints ^ | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw1]] | | Thu 09/12 in lab | basic matlab & linear algebra | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw1-hints]] | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw2]] | | Thu 09/26 in lab | write a bubble-sort function | | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw3]] | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw3solns]]| Tue 10/22 in lab | matlab fundamentals for exam prep | | ===== Exam preparation ===== [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:vocabulary | Vocabulary]]: a list of Matlab programming constructs and functions you should know. [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw3 | Homework #3]]: Exam prep questions and [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:hw3solns | solutions ]]. {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:math445-sample-exam1.pdf| Sample exam,}} [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:sampleexam1solns| solutions]]. This was last year's exam. We haven't done permutations yet so skip problem 3.

gibson/teaching/fall-2013/math445.1382544666.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/23 09:11 by gibson