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====== MATH 445: Mathematics and Applications with Matlab ====== Lecture: Tue, Thu 10:10-11:00am Kingsbury N343\\ Lab section 1: Tue, Thu 12:40--2:00pm Kingsbury N134\\ Lab section 2: Tue, Thu 02:10--3:30pm Hewitt 301\\ Lab section 3: Tue, Thu 03:40--5:00pm Hewitt 301\\ Instructor: John Gibson. Office hours: Tue 11-noon, Wed 2:10-3pm, Thu 11-noon, N309E Kingsbury Hall\\ Teaching Assistant: Cara Mack. Office hours: t.b.d\\ Prerequisite: Math 418 or equivalent.\\ Recommended Texts: * [[|Matlab Primer,]] Mathworks, Inc. * //Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists// Brian D. Hahn, any edition. * //Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving,// S. Attaway, any edition.\\ Additional References: [[|Numerical Computing with Matlab]], C. Moler; and [[|Experiments with Matlab]], C. Moler.\\ Download Matlab: [[ | UNH academic software]] (note: requires network license via UNH VPN) [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:policies| Policies on grades, homeworks, labs, exams, etc.]]\\ ==== Course outline and schedue ==== Readings are listed as sections in the Attaway textbook ^ lecture ^ date ^ topic ^ reading ^ | 1 | 01/23 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:arithmetic | intro, arithmetic]] | 1.1-1.4 | | 2 | 01/25 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:vectors]] | 2.1-2.3 | | 3 | 01/30 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:scripts| scripts, plotting ]] | 3.1-3.2, 3.6 | | 4 | 02/01 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:loglinear| log-linear relations ]] | | | 5,6| 02/06,08 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:publish| matlab publish ]] | 2.4, 14.3 | | 7,8 | 02/13,15| [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:matrices| linear algebr aand matrices]] | 2.1, 2.4, 14.3 | | 9,10 | 02/20,22 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:forloop| "for" loop, functions, fprintf ]] | 5.1, 3.3 | | 11 | 02/27 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:exam1topics | exam 1 prep ]] | | | 12 | 03/01 | exam 1 | | | 13 | 03/06 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:pagerank1| hamster dyna4mics ]] | | | 14 | 03/08 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:pagerank2| Google Page Rank ]] | | | 14 | 03/08 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:graphics3d | 3D graphics ]] | | | 15,16 | 03/20,22 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:montecarlo| Monte Carlo methods ]] | | | 17,18 | 03/27,29 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:cylinderflow | inviscid flow past a cylinder ]] | | | 19 | 04/03 | exam #2 | | | 20 | 04/05 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:timestepping | time stepping --numerical integration of ODEs ]] | | | 21,22 | 04/10,12 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:pendulum | the plane pendulum ]] | | | 23,24 | 04/17,19 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lecture:interpolation | find the frequency by interpolation ]] | | ==== Labs ==== ^ lab ^ due ^ topic ^ | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab1]] | Tue 1/30 | arithmetic expressions | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab2]] | Tue 2/05 | vectors, sums, plots | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab3]] | Tue 2/12 | log-linear relations | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab4]] | Tue 2/19 | linear algebra: the truss | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab5]] | Tue 2/26 | functions, loops | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab6]] | | hamster dynamics / Google Page Rank | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab7]] | | | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab8]] | | nonlinear equations, Newton's method | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab9]] | | Monte Carlo methods, predicting elections | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab10]] | | 3d graphics | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab11]] | | a gentle rain falls on Monte Sol | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab12]] | | tick, tock, the pendulum clock | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:lab13]] | | home run | ^ exam ^ date ^ time ^ location ^ topics ^ ^ | exam 1 | Thu 03/01 | 10:10-11:00am | Kingsbury N343 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:exam1topics | exam 1 topics]] | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:exam1sample | sample questions ]] | | exam 2 | Thu 04/05 | 10:10-11:00am | Kingsbury N343 | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:exam2topics | exam 2 topics]] | | | final | | | | [[gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:finaltopics | final exam topics]] | |

gibson/teaching/spring-2018/math445.1519099362.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/19 20:02 by gibson