Think of the final exams as 2/3 (exam1 + exam2 + exam3 + systems of equations). That's about right to fit in the allotted two hours. There will be around eight problems chosen from this outline of topics.
1st order equations
1st order linear
2nd and higher-order equations
homogeneous constant coefficient ( is your friend)
judicious guessing
variation of parameters
power series
Laplace transforms
definitions, properties, and transforms & inverses of simple functions
s-translation, t-translation
Heaviside and Dirac delta functions
Systems of equations
matrices, vectors, problems, and determinants
the eigenvalue problem, how it arises from the ODE
how to solve systems of ODEs with
real eigenvalues, distinct
real eigenvalues, repeated
complex eigenvalues (solutions expressed in both complex and real-valued forms)
phase portraits
gibson/teaching/spring-2015/math527/finaloutline.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/07 09:38 by gibson