Comments: As you can see, performance on this exam was very good. Nearly 40% of the class scored in the 90-100% range. Congratulations to those and others who did well.
As I mentioned in lecture Wednesday, the material becomes more difficult from here on. So if you did well, don't rest on your laurels. If you didn't do well, let this be a wake-up call.
Comments: Wow, people did even better on exam #2 than exam #1. Congratulations, and put those grades in the bank.
Comments: This is a more typical distribution of grades for an undergraduate math/science/engineering course. I have curved the letter-grade bins downwards accordingly.
Current cumulative exam grade bins are
A: 89-100 B: 78--89 C: 67--78 D: 56--67 F: 0--56
These were obtained by average the boundaries of grade bins over the last three exams. Average your three exam grades to see where you stand.