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====== MATH 445: Mathematics and Applications with Matlab ====== Lecture: Tue, Thu 8:40-9:30am Kingsbury S145\\ Lab: Tue, Thu 9:40-11:30am Kingsbury N139 Instructor: John Gibson, Kingsbury N309. Office hours: lab (preferred), Mon 12-1pm & Tue 2-3pm (backup)\\ Teaching Assistant: Jamie Spears. Office hours: TBD Prerequisite: Math 418 or equivalent.\\ Recommended Text: //Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving,// S. Attaway, any edition.\\ Additional References: [[|Numerical Computing with Matlab]], C. Moler; and [[|Experiments with Matlab]], C. Moler.\\ Download Matlab: [[ | UNH academic software]] (note: requires network license via UNH VPN) [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:policies| Policies on grades, homeworks, labs, exams, etc.]]\\ [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:schedule| Course outline and schedule.]]\\ [[gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:examplelab| Example of what to turn in for a lab question]]\\ ^lecture^topic^notes^reading^ | Tue 09/02 | matlab basics | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture1-diary | diary ]]| 1.1-4 in textbook | | Thu 09/04 | more basics, vectors and matrices | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture2-diary | diary ]] | 1.5-6, 2.1-3 | | Tue 09/09 | systems of eqns: the Ax=b problem | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture3-diary | diary ]] | 2.4 | | Thu 09/11 | large matrices, scripts | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture4-diary | diary]], [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:solveAfb | solveAfb.m script ]] | 3.2 | | Tue 09/16 | array operations, plotting |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture5-diary | diary ]] | 2.3, 3.5-6 | | Thu 09/18 | logical arrays, log-linear relations |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture6-diary | diary ]] | | | Tue 10/07 | functions, ''if'' statements |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture7-diary | diary ]] | 3.1-4, 3.7 | | Thu 10/09 | ''if-elseif-else'' and ''switch'' statements |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture8-diary | diary ]] | 4.1-4 | | Tue 10/14 | ''for'' loops |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture9-diary | diary ]] | 5.1-2 | | Thu 10/16 | more ''for'' |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture10-diary | diary ]] | | ^ lab ^ due ^ topic ^ | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lab1]] | Tue 09/09 | matlab basics | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lab2]] | Tue 09/16 | linear algebra, the truss | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lab3]] | Thu 09/25 | graphical data analysis | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lab4.pdf|lab4}} | Tue 10/27 | solving nonlinear equations with Newton's method| ^ homework ^ due ^ topic ^ solutions ^ | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw1]] | Thu 09/11 | matlab basics, vectors and matrices |[[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw1solns]] | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw2]] | Tue 09/23| array operations and plotting basics | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw2solns]] | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw3]] | Thu 10/02| cumulative exam prep | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw3solns]] | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw4]] | Tue 10/14| functions, if-else | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw4solns]] | | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:hw5]] | Tue 10/21| ''for'' loops | | ^ exam ^ date ^ topics ^ review material ^ results ^ | exam 1 | Thu 10/02 | basics, vectors & matrices, plotting | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:exam1-vocab | Matlab vocabulary,]] [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:exam1-sampleprobs | sample problems,]]{{:gibson:teaching:fall-2013:math445:math445-sample-exam1.pdf| sample exam}} | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:exam1-results | results]] | | exam 2 | Thu 10/30 | programming | [[gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:exam2-vocab | Matlab vocabulary,]]{{:gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:exam2sample.pdf|sample problems}} | | | final | Thu 12/18 8-9:30am | comprehensive | | |

gibson/teaching/fall-2014/math445.1414440091.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/27 13:01 by gibson