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====== Math 445 Course Outline ====== This is a rough outline of course topics and when they will be covered. ===== Introduction ===== Tue 09/02: expressions, variables, assignment, types, relations, help\\ Thu 09/04: scripts, pep talk matlab concepts: <code> = + - * / ^ ; , == ~= <= >= pi, ing, NaN, i,j ||, &&, ~, xor class, help, scientific notation, precedence </code> homework 1, lab 1: matlab basics ===== Vectors & Matrices ===== Tue 09/09 arrays & vectors mathematics, matlab syntax & usage\\ Thu 09/11 i/o, zeros, sparse matrices\\ Tue 09/16 cont'd\\ Thu 09/18 matlab concepts: <code> matrices, row and column vectors element access and assignment indices, colon syntax, sub-indexing load, save, zeros, rand, randn logical arrays </code> homework 2, lab 2: linear algebra and arrays </code> ===== Plotting ===== <code> Tue 09/23 1d plots Thu 09/25 mathematics: log-linear relations Tue 09/30 2d plots homework 3, lab 3: plotting and data analysis matlab concepts: linspace, linestyles, plot, semilogy, semilogx, loglog pcolor, contour, contourf, surf, surfc, axis, axis square, axis equal, xticks, yticks, xlabel, ylabel, title some basic string stuff </code> **EXAM 1: Thu 10/02 in lecture** ===== Programming ===== <code>

gibson/teaching/fall-2014/math445/schedule.1409163988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/27 11:26 by gibson