Channelflow development projects
Add OpenMP parallelization
Extend coverage of Python wrapper to level of channelflow/programs
Use Python wrapper to connect to visualization toolkit
Change order of FlowField data layout from i,y,x,z to i,x,z,y
Bring User's Manual up to version 1.2.x
Implement velocity-vorticity algorithm
Implement Boussinesq approximation
Implement other wall boundary conditions: free-slip, blowing/sucking
Simplify/unify setting of
DNS parameters
Write tecplot output function for FlowFields
Replace all error-and-exits with exceptions (for Python wrapping)
Simplify FlowField IO (always spectral)
Switch to 3/2 dealiasing
Implement 2D time integration (x,z periodic, no y variation)
Partially complete projects
Build packages for common Linux variants and
OS-X: RPM, DPKG, …. 2008-09-26, v1.3.1:
Simplified autoconf system allows straightforward RPM builds. Working on building packages for multiple OS's using openSUSE build farm. Will require separate channelflow and channelflow-devel packages. The fun never ends!
Completed projects
Improve build system: either bring current autoconf system into line with GNU standards or switch to Cmake. 2008-09-25, v1.3.0: autoconf system now runs with “./configure; make; make install” and compiles Octave-dependent code only when Octave is detected.
Write TUTORIAL. 2008-10-03, v1.3.3: Improved README, INSTALL, and examples/README, too.
development_projects.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/02 07:55 (external edit)