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@TechReport{ channelflow,
    author = "J. F. Gibson",
    title = "{Channelflow}: {A} spectral {Navier-Stokes} simulator in {C}++",
    publisher = "J. F. Gibson",
        institution =  "U. New Hampshire",
    year = "2014",
    note = "{\tt {}}",

@Article{ GibsonHalcrowCvitanovicJFM08,
    author = "J. F. Gibson and J. Halcrow and P. Cvitanovi{\'c}",
    title = "Visualizing the geometry of
             state space in plane {Couette} flow",
    journal ="J.\ Fluid Mech.",
    year = "2008",
    volume = "611",
    pages = "107--130",
    note = "{\tt arXiv:0705.3957}"
citation.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/29 11:27 by gibson