This is the overall, conceptual ChaosBook blog: Enter latest posts at the top, blog-style
docuwiki not working for you? kvetch??? Gregor would love to contribute here, if he could only figure out how to log in.
Recent insights: A thread is a new page with a discussion at
the bottom. {{threads>namespace:threadname}} enables creation of these new pages. The most
recently modified thread always gets listed on top. For channelflow discussion, I create discussion
topic pages like with normal dokuwiki links [[installation]], [[programming]], and then
I put a “new threads” box {{threads>installation}} within those pages. Maybe should be within
namespace, but no channelflow
namespace since channelflow is the root.
John Gibson 2009-02-13 19:42 EST
Ah, I see. Sorry about garbling the discussions and my errant finger pointing. I'll put them back in. I read up on dokuwiki namespaces and have a better
idea how to do this now, namely {{threads>namespace:threadname}}, e.g. {threads>chaosbook:intro}
which could be started from here or from a [[chaosbook:intro]] page. OK. Trying this {{threads>chaosbook}}: search?q=chaosbook&btnI=lucky
John Gibson 2009-02-12 20:16 EST
Thanks, and sorry. I did not put them there - it is the {{threads>threadname}} command that you have now removed from this page (and along with it the discussion window that unregistered people could enter posts in) that generated these pages. Back to zero - now no chapter has a discussion window, I think they used to have them. — Predrag Cvitanovic 2009-02-12 14:58
When you create pages for chaosbook, make sure to put them
in the chaosbook namespace by starting the dokuwiki link with
, e.g. [[chaosbook:intro:maps]].
There were a bunch of chaosbook topics in the dokuwiki root namespace, which is for channelflow stuff.
I moved them and fixed a number of links. If you encounter other broken links please fix them. Thanks!
John Gibson 2009-02-12
I have no control of how these threads are ordered? They should be ordered as the chapters in the book are ordered. Maybe blog plugin would be better, but it does not work for me yet…
— Predrag Cvitanovic 2009-01-28 05:37
use {{threads>threadname}} syntax to start one discussion window per chapter.