Readings are sections in Zill First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 9th edition. If you use another text, look up the lecture topic in the table of contents or index.

Lectures without a specified topic are buffers for the inevitable lag. Homeworks in parentheses will not be collected or graded; however you should do them as preparation for the exams.

Please refer to policies for specifics on handing in homeworks, exam procedures, etc.

lecture topic                              reading   homework    

M  8/29 classes cancelled, hurricane irene                    
W  8/31 what is a differential equation?   (1, skim)

F  9/02 definitions, separable eqns        2.2      HW1 due
W  9/07 1st order linear (var of params)   2.3
F  9/09 exact equations                    2.4      HW2 due
M  9/12 substitutions                      2.5
W  9/14 examples                           3.1-2
F  9/16 EXAM #1                                     (HW3)

M  9/19 motivation, terminology            4.1
W  9/21 y=exp(lambda t), Euler's formula   4.3
F  9/23 under, critical, and overdamping   5.1      HW4 due
M  9/26 
W  9/28 judicious guessing (undet. coeff)  4.4
F  9/30                                             HW5 due
M 10/03 variation of parameters            4.6
W 10/05 
F 10/07 EXAM #2                                     (HW6)

T 10/11 definition, inverse transforms     7.1-2
W 10/12 transform of derivative, IVPs      7.2
F 10/14 s-translation                      7.3.1    HW7 due
M 10/17 t-translation (Heaviside func)     7.3.2
W 10/19 transforms: deriv, convolution     7.4.1-2
F 10/21 transforms: periodic funcs         7.4.3    HW8 due
M 10/24 Dirac delta function               7.5
W 10/26 
F 10/28 EXAM #3                                     (HW9)

M 10/31 power series review                6.1.1
W 11/02 solutions about ordinary points    6.1.2
F 11/04 regions of convergence                      
M 11/07 solutions about singular points    6.2
W 11/09 bessel functions                   6.3.1    HW10 due (Thu 11/10 in recitation)
F 11/11 legendre polynomials               6.3.2    

M 11/14 matrices and vectors               AppII.1
W 11/16 Ax=b, determinants                 
F 11/18 ODEs in matrix form, eigenvalues   8.1      HW11 due
M 11/21 real eigenvalues, distinct         8.2.1
W 11/23 real eigenvalues, repeated         8.2.2    HW12 due
M 11/28 complex eigenvalues                8.2.3    
W 11/30 
F 12/02 EXAM #4                                     (HW13)

M 12/05 Euler method                       9.1
W 12/07 Runge-Kutta                        9.2
F 12/09 Lorenz system                               HW14 due