← ChaosBook chapter: Turbulence?
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09/26/09 Predrag: My first, from the gut answer is
09/16/09 Daniel Borrero: So we're building a new inner cylinder for our Taylor-Couette apparatus. It is going to be larger so that the ratio of the radius of the inner cylinder to that of the outer cylinder will be 0.95. We are also hoping to have a more subtle perturbation scheme where we don't force the flow globally but instead force it locally with small jets. The idea is to have a series of jets that are positioned along an axial line. Mike wants the spacing between them to be something like the typical spacing between the fast and slow streaks that you see in your simulations. He believes that this will allow us to apply forcing at the same scales and hopefully see some of the structures that you've been seeing in your simulations using the PIV system that we are buying (Yes, the grant was finally approved so hopefully we'll have PIV capabilities come December or so). So I guess the questions that I have for you guys are the following: