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download [2015/06/08 08:26]
gibson [Most recent release]
download [2015/06/30 12:16] (current)
gibson [Numbered releases]
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 ====== Channelflow downloads ====== ====== Channelflow downloads ======
 ===== Current development code ===== ===== Current development code =====
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   svn co http://​​channelflow   svn co http://​​channelflow
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-See [[http://​]] for more on subversion usage.+If you plan on tinkering with the channelflow source code, downloading with subversion is strongly recommended. Subversion will greatly simplify the process of merging your own modifications with 
 +future updates to the standard distribution. ​See [[http://​]] for more on subversion usage.
-===== Most recent release ​===== +===== Numbered releases ​=====
-  * {{downloads:​channelflow-1.5.0.tgz}} 2015-06-05 ​+
-The most prominent changes in channelflow-1.5.0 since 1.4.2 are+The current numbered release is **channelflow-1.5.1**, release date 2015-06-30. The 1.5.1 release fixes 
 +a bug in the Newton-Krylov-hookstep search algorithm introduced in 1.5.0 which causes poor performance in the ''​findsoln''​ utility (failed searches) when the Newton step exceeds the trust region radius. 
 +Other than that bugfix, the most prominent changes ​since channelflow-1.4.2 are
   * a switch from Octave to Eigen for linear algebra ​   * a switch from Octave to Eigen for linear algebra ​
   * simplification of the build system (no more conditional compilation,​ all programs go into ''​programs/''​)   * simplification of the build system (no more conditional compilation,​ all programs go into ''​programs/''​)
   * unified treatment of "​Reynolds number",​ enabling continuation from plane Couette to channel conditions   * unified treatment of "​Reynolds number",​ enabling continuation from plane Couette to channel conditions
-===== Older releases =====+ 
 +^ binary package ^ development package ^ platform ^ 
 +|{{:​downloads:​channelflow-1.5.1.rpm}} | {{:​downloads:​channelflow-devel-1.5.1.rpm}} | OpenSUSE 13.2, Redhat/​Fedora | 
 +|{{:​downloads:​channelflow-1.5.1.deb}} | {{:​downloads:​channelflow-devel-1.5.1.deb}} | Ubuntu | 
 +|{{:​downloads:​channelflow-1.5.1.tar.gz}} | {{:​downloads:​channelflow-devel-1.5.1.tar.gz}} | any | 
 +===== Older numbered ​releases ===== 
 +These are all source code tarballs, compilable on most Linux distributions.
   * {{downloads:​channelflow-1.4.2.tgz}} 2010-01-29 {{downloads:​changelog-1.4.2.txt|ChangeLog}}   * {{downloads:​channelflow-1.4.2.tgz}} 2010-01-29 {{downloads:​changelog-1.4.2.txt|ChangeLog}}
   * {{downloads:​channelflow-1.4.1.tgz}} 2009-06-11 {{downloads:​changelog-1.4.1.txt|ChangeLog}}   * {{downloads:​channelflow-1.4.1.tgz}} 2009-06-11 {{downloads:​changelog-1.4.1.txt|ChangeLog}}
download.1433777190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/08 08:26 by gibson