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start [2015/06/30 12:19]
gibson [News]
start [2015/06/30 12:22]
Line 19: Line 19:
 **2015-06-22** channelflow-1.5.0 release. Converted channelflow source code to use [[http://​​Eigen3|Eigen3]] for linear algebra instead of Octave. Removal of the problematic Octave dependency allows for a simpler build structure: all library code is in ''​channelflow/''​ directory and all executable utilities are in ''​programs/''​. Advanced utilities such as ''​findsoln'',​ ''​contuinuesoln'',​ and ''​arnoldi''​ should compile easily on most platforms, due to the simplicity and widespread availability of Eigen packages. ​ **2015-06-22** channelflow-1.5.0 release. Converted channelflow source code to use [[http://​​Eigen3|Eigen3]] for linear algebra instead of Octave. Removal of the problematic Octave dependency allows for a simpler build structure: all library code is in ''​channelflow/''​ directory and all executable utilities are in ''​programs/''​. Advanced utilities such as ''​findsoln'',​ ''​contuinuesoln'',​ and ''​arnoldi''​ should compile easily on most platforms, due to the simplicity and widespread availability of Eigen packages. ​
-**2011-07-18** The channelflow dokuwiki website was recently hacked and defaced with advertising. I've rebuilt it with tighter security measures, specifically registration by request only and tighter editing permissions. I also removed some questionable registrations. If you find yourself unable to log in, please contact me: ''​johnfgibson''​ at ''​''​. 
-**2011-07-06** The current SVN channelflow distribution now builds with Cmake. On linux build with +[[oldnews| Old News]]
-<​code>​ +
-  cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) . +
-  make +
-  make install +
-  make test +
-</​code>​ +
-  ​+
-**2011-07-06** Upgraded website to dokuwiki-2011-05-25a. Please let me know if you encounter any troubles with the channelflow website. 
start.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/24 09:18 by gibson