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====== Shah research blog, spring 2009 ====== This blog will record my progress in researching aspects of nonlinear flow (and applications of what we discuss in the study group) to quantum field theory. I am using Professor Gibson's blog as a template for how I construct this blog, so please let me know if there is anything I can do differently in formatting this blog. E-mail: <> I will be updating this page over the next few days with a literature review of the problem and a brief introduction to quantum field theory. :-( 2009-1-27 Hello all, I have come down with a stomach virus and will be unable to make it to our install-fest. I will be installing channelflow on my copy of Linux and will post my progress on this blog today. I will also review my research into nonlinear field theories (in particular in n=m nonabelian Yang-Mills fields) and quantum chaos. :-( //Sorry to hear you're ill! Get well soon, and we'll see you next week. --John G.//

gtspring2009/research_projects/shah/blog.1233071077.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/01/27 07:44 by gibson