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====== Wet & Wild crowd ====== |Name|Email|Website|Skype| | Daniel Borrero | <> | | | | Predrag Cvitanović | <> | [[|predrag website]] |predragcvitanovic| | John Elton | <> | [[|elton website]] | | | John Gibson | <> | [[|gibson website]] | | | Alex Grigo | <> | [[|alex website]] | | | Roman Grigoriev | <> | [[|roman website]] | | | John Hyatt | <> | |jshyatt2| | Jon Paprocki | <> | | | | Mike Schatz | <> | [[|schatz website]] | | | Sarang Shah | <> | | | | Evangelos Siminos | <> | [[|siminos website]] | | | Dustin W Spieker | <> | | |

gtspring2009/participants.1237584201.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/20 14:23 by john_h