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gtspring2009:howto [2009/02/10 03:29]
gtspring2009:howto [2010/02/02 07:55] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Study group HOWTO ====== ====== Study group HOWTO ======
-Tips for the spring 2009 study group. Insider secrets of the wet and wild, compared to the [[:​docs|general channelflow documentation]]. +Tips for the wet and wild study group. Insider secrets of the wet and wild, compared to the [[:​docs|general channelflow documentation]].
- +
- +
-  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​movie | How to post a movie]] +
-  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​format | How to format a movie]]+
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​movie |post a movie or an image]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​format |format a movie or an image]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​compress |compress a data file]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​shell_scripts |write a shell script]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​pace |use the PACE cluster]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​blogging |how to blog]] ​
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​blogtex |blogging LaTeX]] ​
 +  * [[chaosbook:​howto:​login |how to login]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​poincare |cut a Poincaré section]]
 +  * [[gtspring2009:​howto:​findsoln |find a new solution]]
gtspring2009/howto.1234265375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/02/10 03:29 by predrag