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====== Research projects ====== Need to ponder a rational division between what goes into the communal blog, and what stays in individual blogs. Predrag leans toward putting most text into individual blogs (easiest to migrate to publications), and putting updates as what the study group might want to read into this area... ====== Blog of Blogs ====== ^who ^repository ^edit file ^public ^ |Borrero and Cvitanović |svn://localhost:22369/halcrow/ |TEX/main.tex | | |Elton |svn://localhost:22369/elton/ |blog/blog.tex |[[|]] | |Gibson |svn://localhost:22369/gibson/ |blog/??/blog.tex | | |Siminos |svn://localhost:22369/siminos/ |blog/?? | | |Spieker |svn://localhost:22369/spieker/ |blog/blog.tex |[[|]] |

gtspring2009/research_projects.1229686662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/12/19 03:37 by