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====== Gibson research blog, spring 2009 ====== Let us see how this format works. For now I will just start writing. I hope that greater flexibility in the structure (multiple pages and links) will make it easy to reorganize as the material gathers. * [[hkw| The HKW cell]] * [[w03| The W03 cell]] ===== 2009-02-08 Movies of W03 orbits ==== <flashplayer width="720" height="320">file=/movies/gibson/p35p77.flv&image=/movies/gibson/p35p77movie.png&repeat=none</flashplayer> <flashplayer width="720" height="320">file=/movies/gibson/p50p16xz.flv&image=/movies/gibson/p50p16movie.png&repeat=none</flashplayer> <flashplayer width="720" height="320">file=/movies/gibson/p82p36.flv&image=/movies/gibson/p82p36movie.png&repeat=none</flashplayer> <flashplayer width="720" height="320">file=/movies/gibson/p83p60z.flv&image=/movies/gibson/p83p60movie.png&repeat=none</flashplayer> ====== Continuation ====== Invariant solutions can be continued to new parameter values by making incremental changes in the parameters and recomputing the solution with Newton-GMRES-hookstep. Jonathan Halcrow and I did quite a bit of that for our [[:references| Equilibrium and Traveling Wave Solutions of Plane Couette]] paper (a.k.a. "n00bs"). But our procedure was kind of crude. ====== Playground ====== This area is for testing embedded movies in blogs, particularly the namespace issues. <flashplayer width="400" height="320">file=/movies/gibson/p76p82.flv&image=/movies/gibson/p76p82.png&repeat=none</flashplayer>

gtspring2009/gibson/blog.1234374897.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/02/11 09:54 by gibson