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====== Tech Camp 2017 ====== ===== Computer simulation of baseball physics ===== Tuesday, July 18, 1-3:30pm, Kingsbury W114 Good afternoon, campers! In this session we'll be * talking about the physics of projectiles, e.g. a baseball in flight, * looking at the equations of motion of projectiles, with and without turbulent air resistance * using numerical simulation methods to solve those equations * plotting the results and figuring out the minimum speed and optimum angle to hit a home run * comparing what happens at Fenway to what happens in Denver You'll need to * make a new folder on your computer: ''C:\Users\guestmech/techcamp-2017'' * download some Matlab files (below) and put them in that folder * start Matlab from the application menu * open up that folder in Matlab, either from the menu or by typing ''cd C:\Users\guestmech/techcamp-2017'' at the command prompt * click on [[gibson:teaching:summer-2017:techcamp:numerical-baseball | Simulating the flight of a baseball]] * and then [[gibson:teaching:summer-2017:techcamp:computer-homerun | Hitting a home run]] Matlab files for you to download and run on the computer. * {{ :gibson:teaching:summer-2017:f_nodrag.m}} * {{ :gibson:teaching:summer-2017:f_withdrag.m}} * {{ :gibson:teaching:summer-2017:baseballsolve.m}} * {{ :gibson:teaching:summer-2017:hitball.m}} Same things as interactive notebooks in the Julia programming language * [[|Numerical baseball, Julia notebook]] * [[|Computer home run, Julia notebook]]

gibson/teaching/summer-2017/techcamp.1500394028.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/18 09:07 by gibson