Matlab vocabulary for this lab
for fprintf function mean std * length size rand randn
Problem 1: Write a for loop that will print statements of the form
1 times pi is 3.1416 2 times pi is 6.2832
for the numbers 1 through 10.
Problem 2: If is a temperature in Farenheit, then
is the same temperature in Celsius. Write a function
that takes a Farenheit temperature as input, converts it to Celsius, prints a statement of the form 20 Farenheit is -6.6667 Celsius.
, and returns the Celsius value as its output.
Problem 3: Write a for loop that uses the above function to print a list of statements
-10 Farenheit is -23.3333 Celsius. 0 Farenheit is -17.7778 Celsius.
for Farenheit temperatures from -10 to 100, in steps of 10. Challenge: Get the text to line up nicely using field-width specifiers in fprintf!
Problem 4: Write a function average
that takes an input vector and returns as output the average (mean) value of its elements, according to the formula
where is the number of elements in
Test your function by comparing its output to the output of the built-in Matlab function mean on a random vector of length 100 whose elements are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
Problem 5: Write a function deviation
that takes an input vector and returns the standard deviation of its elements, according to the formula
where is the average the elements of
, and
is the number of elements in
Test your function by comparing its output to the output of the built-in Matlab function std on a random vector of length 100 whose elements are in a normal (Gaussian) distribution about
Problem 6: The formula for matrix-vector multiplication is
In this formula, is an
is an
-dimensional column vector, and
is an
-dimensional column vector.
Write a function matvecmult
that takes a matrix and a vector
as inputs, computes
according to that formula, and returns the vector
. Compare your
to Matlab's built-in matrix-vector multiplication operator *
on a random matrix and a random 4d column vector.
Problem 7: The formula for matrix-matrix multiplication of an
and an,
The product is an
Write a function matmatmult
that takes a matrix and a vector
as inputs, computes
according to that formula, and returns the matrix
. Compare your
to Matlab's built-in matrix-vector multiplication operator *
on a random matrix
and a random
matrix B.