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Math 445: exam 2

Exam 2 (Thursday April 7, 2016 10:10-11:00am DeMeritt 240) will cover lecture and labs to date, with emphasis on labs 6 through 9.

You should be familiar with the mathematics and implementation in Matlab code of the following topics

For example, for nonlinear equations and Newton's method, you should understand how to derive the Newton iteration equation $x_{n+1} = x_n - f(x_n)/f'(x_n)$ for improving an approximate solution to the nonlinear equation $f(x) = 0$, and you should be able to write a Matlab function that would implement the Newton method for a given function $f$ and an initial guess $x_0$.

You should have a good grasp on Matlab syntax we've covered to date. The exam will focus more on recent material:

  • plotting commands: meshgrid, pcolor, contour, surf, surfc, quiver, and colorbar
  • anonymous functions: how to define and use them
  • random numbers: rand and randn
  • for loops

But there will be a few questions on old material as well:

  • vectors and matrices: how to create them, how to access and set their elements, and how to perform mathematical operations with them.
  • the difference between elementwise and linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices.
  • how to set up and solve systems of linear equations using vectors, matrices, and the backslash operator.
  • the colon operator: how to use it to specify sequences of numbers and access subvectors and submatrices.
  • fprintf: how to do basic formatted output with fprintf.
  • function: how to write your own functions.
gibson/teaching/spring-2016/math445/exam2topics.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/05 11:32 by gibson