Advice for Math 527
To get good grades
Make a habit of writing your work in a neat and organized fashion. Sloppiness generates mistakes, particularly when a problem goes on for pages.
Always write equations. If you just manipulate expressions, you're likely to make mistakes when you plug them back into equations.
Always do the same thing to both sides of the equation. Don't subtract 2 from the right-hand side but divide by 2 on the left, or integrate the left with respect to x and the right with respect to y.
Attend lecture and recitation regularly, and try to keep your mind focused on the material.
If you don't understand something, ask a question.
Come to office hours. Get some personal attention!
To learn and prepare yourself for life (much of the same!)
Be careful and organized.
Train yourself to focus, think hard, and push out distractions.
Learn to recognize when you're puzzled about something, and then to do something about it. Framing a question is a good start. Be specific.
Take your humanities classes just as seriously as your science classes. That's where you'll learn to think critically and independently and to express yourself clearly.
gibson/teaching/spring-2015/math527/advice.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/17 08:22 by gibson