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Math 753/853 course materials

This course is part of a UNH Open Educational Resources (OER) initiave. The goals of the OER initiative are to reduce textbook costs for students while enhancing the learning experience with more contemporary, interactive learning materials.

Math 753/853's OER plan has three main components. We will use

  • open, online resources on numerical methods and an assortment of optional, low-cost books in place of an expensive required textboook.
  • the open-source (free) and cutting-edge Julia programming language in place of proprietary Matlab software.
  • an open-source and publically-readable course website instead of the proprietary and pay-walled Canvas course management system

By following OER principles, we will save students money, pave the way for reducing university costs for software licenses, and contribute to improving numerical methods pedagogy worldwide.

Numerical methods resources

Julia resources

gibson/teaching/fall-2016/math753/resources.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/06 09:58 by gibson