Vocabulary and applications for Math 445 final exam
compact scientific notation (e.g. 1.4e-06) complex numbers (e.g. 3 + 4*i) Inf, NaN (!) = assignment - + * / ^ algebraic operations \ solve system of equations Ax=b (x = A\b) constructing matrices and vectors with square brackets [ ], commas, and semicolons colon syntax linspace zeros ones eye rand randi randn accessing elements of vectors and matrices single elements, rows, columns, and subvectors & submatrices linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices + - * \ ^ ' elementwise operations on vectors, matrices - + .* ./ .^ logical (boolean) operations == (equals) ~= (not equal) > < >= <= ~ (NOT) && (simple AND) || (simple OR) & (componentwise AND for vectors) | (componentwise OR for vectors) xor (for both vectors and simple logical variables) zero means false nonzero means true any all find helpful miscellaneous functions sum mean sort ceil floor round size save load clear class who whos what which input disp fprintf plotting functions (1d) plot semilogy semilogx loglog hist xlabel ylabel title legend axes hold, hold off, hold on clf grid off, grid on color & marker codes figure subplot multi-d plotting meshgrid pcolor contour, contourf surf, surfc scripts control flow if statements: if, elseif, else, end for loops: for, end switch statements: switch, case, otherwise, end while loop: while, end plus break and continue user-defined functions file functions anonymous functions single argument, single return multiple argument, multiple return applications solving linear systems with backslash solving linear systems with fsolve solving differential equations with ode45 computing expressions involving sums and products (e.g. infinite series) the Newton search algorithm log-linear relations Google Page Rank