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====== Matlab vocabulary ====== You should be familiar with the following Matlab programming constructs and functions. compact scientific notation (e.g. 1.4e-06) complex numbers (e.g. 3 + 4*i) Inf, NaN = assignment - + * / ^ algebraic operations \ solve system of equations Ax=b (x = A\b) commas and semicolons how to write a row vector how to write a col vector how to write a matrix how to write a complex number elementwise operations on vectors, matrices - + .* ./ .^ conditional expressions (boolean algebra) == ~= > < >= <= ~ && (simple AND) || (simple OR) & (componentwise AND for vectors) | (componentwise OR for vectors) zero means false nonzero means true control flow for-end if-elseif-else-end while-end switch continue break pause constructing matrices and vectors square brackets [ ] colon syntax linspace zeros ones eye rand randi randn hugely helpful miscellaneous functions sum mean ceil floor round size input disp fprintf (%c, %s, %d, %f, \n) save load clear class who what which plotting functions plot semilogy semilogx loglog hist xlabel ylabel title legend axes hold, hold off, hold on clf grid off, grid on color & marker codes figure subplot user-defined functions function name, filename arguments outputs anonymous functions syntax for using a function as an argument to another function scripts

gibson/teaching/fall-2013/math445/vocabulary.1381198222.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/07 19:10 by gibson