You should be familiar with most of the following Matlab programming constructs and functions. I have put parentheses around topics we haven't covered yet, which you aren't responsible for knowing. I'll remove the parentheses when we cover the topic.
compact scientific notation (e.g. 1.4e-06) (complex numbers (e.g. 3 + 4*i)) Inf, NaN = assignment - + * / ^ algebraic operations \ solve system of equations Ax=b (x = A\b) commas and semicolons how to write a row vector how to write a col vector how to write a matrix how to write a complex number elementwise operations on vectors, matrices - + .* ./ .^ conditional expressions (boolean algebra) == ~= > < >= <= ~ && (simple AND) || (simple OR) & (componentwise AND for vectors) | (componentwise OR for vectors) zero means false nonzero means true control flow for-end if-elseif-else-end while-end (switch) (continue) (break) (pause) constructing matrices and vectors square brackets [ ] colon syntax linspace zeros ones eye rand randi randn hugely helpful miscellaneous functions sum mean sort (ceil) (floor) round size (input) (disp) fprintf (%c, %s, %d, %f, \n) save load clear class (who) (what) (which) plotting functions plot semilogy (semilogx) (loglog) contour (hist) xlabel ylabel title legend axes (hold, hold off, hold on) clf grid off, grid on color & marker codes figure (subplot) user-defined functions function name, filename arguments outputs anonymous functions syntax for using a function as an argument to another function scripts