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====== Math 445 Lab #1 ====== These problems are taken from Attaway chapter 1, both 2nd and 3rd editions. **Problem 1:** Evaluate these expressions in your head and write down the answer. Then evaluate them with Matlab. If you made a mistake, figure out what it was. 25/4*4 3+4^2 4\12 + 4 3^2 (5-2)*3 **Problem 2:** What is the type of the answers in problem 5? **Problem 3:** Use //intmin// and //intmax// to determine the range of values that can be stored in the types //uint32// and //unint64//? Express the answer both as an integer and in scientific notation. **Problem 4:** Wind chill factor: The WCF conveys how cold it feels with a given air temperature T (degrees Farenheit) and wind speed V (miles per hour). A formula for WCF is <latex> WCF = 35.7 + 0.6 T - 35.7 V^{0.16} + 0.43 \; T \; V^{0.16} </latex> Create variables for temperature T and wind speed V and then using this formula, calculate the WCF for (a) T = 45 F and V = 10 mph and (b) T = 45 F and V = 0 mph. Bonus: Do you think the Wind Chill Factor is a sensible quantity? Why or why not? If not, can you come up with something better? **Problem 12.** Use Matlab help to understand the following questions, and then answer them based on your understanding. Then use Matlab to check your answers. Rethink any questions you answered incorrectly. is fix(3.5) == floor(3.5)? is fix(3.4) == fix(-3.4)? is fix(3.2) == floor(3.2)? is fix(-3.2) == floor(-3.2)? is fix(-3.2) === ceil(-3.2)? **Problem 13.** Find Matlab expressions for square root of 19 3 to the 1.2 tangent of pi **Problem 17.** Generate random numbers real in range 0-1 real in range 0-20 real in range 20-50 integer in range 0-10 integer in range 0-11 integer in range 50-100 ** Problem 18.** Get into new Command window and type rand to get a random real number. Make a note of the number. Then exit and restart matlab, and repeat. The random number should be the same. Exit and restart matlab again. This time, change the random number seed before generating a new random number. The random number should be different this time.

gibson/teaching/fall-2013/math445/lab1.1377566628.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/26 18:23 by gibson