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====== Math 527: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra ====== Lecture: McConnell 208, MWF 8:10a-9:00am\\ Instructor: John F. Gibson. Office hours M 3-4pm, W 4-5pm, N309E Kingsbury Hall\\ Teaching assistants: * Eric Laflamme (sections 1-3). Office hours M 10-11am, Tues 2-3pm, Kingsbury W353 * Evan Brand (sections 4-6). Office hours W 4-5pm, Thur 2-3pm, Kingsbury N316 [[gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:text| Suggested text]]: Zill, //A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications//, 9th edition. [[gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:text| Other options]]\\ [[gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:syllabus | Syllabus]] [[gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:policies | Policies]] ===== Announcements ===== ===== Homeworks ===== [[:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:policies#homework|Homework policies]] ^ homework ^ due ^ solutions ^ topic ^ notes ^ | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw1.pdf| HW1}} | 9/2 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw1-solns.pdf|HW1 solns}}| calculus review | includes table of Greek letters | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw2.pdf| HW2}} | 9/9 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw2-solns.pdf|HW2 solns}} | separation of variables | problem 10 has typos and is too hard, please ignore| | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw3.pdf| (HW #3)}} | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw_3_solutions.pdf| HW3 solns}}| 1st order linear, exact eqns | will not be collected, do as exam prep | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw4.pdf| HW4}} | 9/23 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw4-solns.pdf|HW4 solns}} | 2nd order const coeff homog | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw5.pdf| HW5}} | 9/30 |{{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw_5_solutions.pdf|HW5 solns}} | damped oscillations, judicious guessing | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw6.pdf| (HW6)}} | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw6-solns.pdf|HW6 solns}} | judicious guessing, variation of parameters | will not be collected, do as exam prep | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw7.pdf| HW7 }} | 10/14 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw_7_solns..pdf|HW7 solns}}| Basics of Laplace transforms | v2, fixed mistake in prob 1 | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw8.pdf| HW8 }} | 10/21 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw8-solns.pdf| HW8 solns}} | Laplace transforms, s and t translation | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw9.pdf| (HW9)}} | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw_9_solutions.pdf| HW9 solns}} | Laplace transforms, Heaviside and Dirac delta| will not be collected, do as exam prep | | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw9-solns.pdf| HW9 solns (version 2)}} | | another version of hw9 solutions | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw10.pdf|HW10}} | 11/10 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw10-solns.pdf| HW10 solns}} | power series | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw11-part1.pdf|HW11 part 1}} | 11/23 |{{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw11_part_1_solns.pdf|}} | gaussian elimination and determinants | | | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw11-part2.pdf|HW11 part 2}} | 11/23 | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:hw11_part_2_solns.pdf|}}| linear systems | fixed typo in problems 6 and 7| | {{:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:homework:math527-hw12.pdf|(HW12, v2) }} | | | linear systems and power series | will not be collected, do as exam prep | ===== Exams ===== [[:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:policies#exams|Exam policies]] [[:gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:exams| Exam results]] **Exam #3** is scheduled for 8-9am Friday October 28, 2011. The exam room follows the first letter of your last name * A-J: McConnell 208 * K-Z: Hamilton-Smith 127 **Cheat sheet update**: You will be allowed a cheat sheet for the exam, consisting of a table of Laplace transforms written on one side of a 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper. Only Laplace transforms can be written on the sheet. At the end of the exam, staple your cheat sheet onto your solutions and turn it in. **Final exam**: As of Oct 25, UNH final exams have not been scheduled. I will post the math 527 final exam schedule as soon as I receive it. ===== Supplementary material ===== * [[| Partial derivatives]]. A pretty good explanation by wikipedia. The important parts are the [[|Introduction]], the first third of the [[|Basic Definition]], and the [[|Antiderivative Analog]] * [[|Wolfram Alpha]] and [[ | Wolfram Mathworld]]. Check your homework, deepen your knowledge.

gibson/teaching/fall-2011/math527.1322673651.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/30 09:20 by gibson