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find an equilibrium, traveling wave, periodic orbit, or relative periodic orbit of plane Couette or channel flow, using a Newton-Krylov-hookstep search algorithm.

main options

  -eqb      --equilibrium                                          search for equilibrium or relative equilibrium (trav wave)
  -orb      --periodicorbit                                        search for periodic orbit or relative periodic orbit
  -xrel     --xrelative                                            search over x phase shift for relative orbit or eqb
  -zrel     --zrelative                                            search over z phase shift for relative orbit or eqb
  -T        --maptime           <real>      default == 20          initial guess for orbit period or time of eqb/reqb map f^T(u)
  -R        --Reynolds          <real>      default == 400         Reynolds number
  -sigma    --sigma             <string>                           file containing symmetry of relative solution (default == identity)
  -symms    --symmetries        <string>                           file containing generators of isotropy group for symmetry-constrained search
  -o        --outdir            <string>    default == ./          output directory
  -log      --logfile           <string>    default == stdout      output log (filename or "stdout")
  <flowfield>      (trailing arg 1)                                initial guess for solution

solution type

findsoln finds solutions of σ f^T(u) - u = 0 where f^T is the time-T forward map of the Navier-Stokes equations plus boundary conditions and σ is a symmetry of the flow. This equation has several kinds of solutions

  • equilibrium: σ = 1/, all T
  • relative equilibrium: σ = a translation or phase shift that scales linearly in T, all T (also called a traveling wave)
  • periodic orbit: σ = 1 and some finite value of T (and integer multiples of it)
  • preperiodic orbit: σ ≠ 1 but σ^n = 1 for some n>1, and some finite value of T (and integer multiples)
  • relative periodic orbit: some element σ of the appropriate symmetry group, and some finite value of T (and integer multiples)

You specify which kind of solution to find by telling the search algorithm which variables to treat as unknowns, with the -eqb, -orb, -xrel, -zrel options. The -eqb option specifies that T is held fixed; the -orb option specifies that is unknown. The -xrel and -zrel options specifying that the x and z phase shifts in σ are unknown. The appropriate combinations for each solution type are best shown by example.

commandsearch type
findsoln -eqb uguess.h5 equilibrium solution
findsoln -eqb -xrel uguess.h5 traveling wave in x
findsoln -eqb -xrel -zrel uguess.h5 traveling wave in x,z
findsoln -eqb -zrel -sigma sigma.asc -T 20 uguess.h5 traveling wave in z with an initial guess for wavespeed
findsoln -orb -T 64.3 uguess.asc periodic orbit with initial guess for period T
findsoln -orb -T 34.8 -sigma sigma.asc uguess.h5 pre-periodic orbit
findsoln -orb -xrel -T 49.1 -sigma sigma.asc uguess.h5 relative periodic orbit with phase shift in x

(mathematical details of algorithm

docs/utils/findsoln.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/04 17:37 by gibson