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docs:utils:couette [2009/02/13 08:45]
docs:utils:couette [2010/02/02 07:55]
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-====== couette ====== 
-''​couette''​ integrates plane Couette or channel flow from a given initial condition and save velocity fields to disk at a regular interval. (It should probably be called ''​integrate'';​ I might change it to that in the next release.) 
-====== main options ====== 
-  -T0       ​--T0 ​               <​real> ​     default == 0           start time 
-  -T1       ​--T1 ​               <​real> ​     default == 100         end time 
-  -dt       ​--dt ​               <​real> ​     default == 0.03125 ​    ​timestep 
-  -dT       ​--dT ​               <​real> ​     default == 1           save interval 
-  -ts       ​--timestepping ​     <​string> ​   default == sbdf3       ​timestepping algorithm 
-  -nl       ​--nonlinearity ​     <​string> ​   default == rot         ​method of calculating nonlinearity,​ 
-  -o        --outdir ​           <​string> ​   default == data/       ​output directory 
-  -R        --Reynolds ​         <​real> ​     default == 400         ​Reynolds number 
-  -c        --channel ​                                             channelflow instead of plane Couette 
-  -b        --bulkvelocity ​                                        hold bulk velocity fixed, not pressure gradient 
-  -P        --dPdx ​             <​real> ​     default == 0           value for fixed pressure gradient 
-  -U        --Ubulk ​            <​real> ​     default == 0           value for fixed bulk velocity 
-  <​flowfield> ​     (trailing arg 1)                                initial condition 
-[[docs:​utils:​couette:​alloptions|Complete option list]] 
-===== time intervals ===== 
-The integration starts at ''​t=T0''​ and saves data at times ''​t = T0 + n dT'',​ exactly. The ''​dt'' ​ 
-value is //​approximate//​. Channelflow actually rounds ''​dt''​ to the closest integral divisor of ''​dT''​ 
-so that the save interval is exactly what you asked for. Data is saved to disk in files named ''​u0.ff,​ u1.ff, u2.ff, ...''​ if ''​t''​ takes on integer values or filenames with four-digit precision if ''​t''​ otherwise, e.g. ''​u0.000.ff,​ u0.125.ff, u0.250.ff, ...''​. The integration stops when ''​t = T0 + n dT > T1.''​ 
-===== timestepping ===== 
-The ''​-ts''​ or ''​--timestepping''​ sets the finite-difference time stepping algorithm. It takes the following ​ 
-^value^ ​ %%O(dt^n)%% ​ ^algorithm^ 
-|''​cnfe1''​| ​ 1  |Crank-Nicolson Forward Euler| 
-|''​cnab2''​| ​ 2  |Crank-Nicolson Adams-Bashforth| 
-|''​smrk2''​| ​ 2  |Spalart-Moser Runge-Kutta| 
-|''​sbdf1''​| ​ 1  |Semi-implict Backwards Differentiation| 
-|''​sbdf2''​| ​ 2  |Semi-implict Backwards Differentiation| 
-|''​sbdf3''​| ​ 3  |Semi-implict Backwards Differentiation| 
-|''​sbdf4''​| ​ 4  | Semi-implict Backwards Differentiation| 
-===== nonlinearity ===== 
-The ''​-nl''​ or ''​--nonlinearity''​ specifies the method for calculating the 
-nonlinearity u⋅∇u in the Navier-Stokes equation. 
-^  value  ^      ^method^ 
-|  ''​rot'' ​ |  (∇×u)×u ​ |rotational| 
-|  ''​conv''​ |  u⋅∇u ​  ​|convection| 
-|  ''​div'' ​ |  ∇⋅(uu) ​ |divergence| 
-| ''​skew'' ​ |  (u⋅∇u + ∇⋅(uu))/​2 |skew-symmetric| 
-| ''​alt'' ​  ​| ​  ​|alternating between ''​conv''​ and ''​div''​| 
-===== mean constraints ===== 
-====== Usage examples ====== 
docs/utils/couette.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/02 07:55 (external edit)