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<- [[:chaosbook]] ====== A plane Couette blog ====== :-D grin and bear it. You have now entered the Couette Universe --- //[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-04-10 09:44// {{gtspring2009:gibson.png?24}} I am unsure of the purpose and scope of this page. All things plane Couette, as the title suggests (that would be like the NYT website having a special "News" subsection), or responses to reviews of n00bs, as the text suggests (in which case the title should reflect that). And you wonder why there are page creation restrictions within my blog ... ;-) // John Gibson 2009-04-09// started here, as no permission to enter Gibson flatlands of Nebraska --- //[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-04-08 07:53// (the latest posts within a section at the top, blog-style) ===== EQ8 ===== moved this to [[gtspring2009:gibson:eq8]]

chaosbook/pcf.1239381956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/10 09:45 by predrag