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<- [[:chaosbook]] ====== A plane Couette blog ====== started here, as no permission to enter Gibson flatlands of Nebraska --- //[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-04-08 07:53// (the latest posts within a section at the top, blog-style) ===== EQ8 ===== :-D to Tomoaki Itano //<>//: \\ Dr Itano, I've received a copy of your paper through one of my colleagues. (I'm currently without a university affiliation). It is very interesting. Your new equilibria seem similar to those that we refer to as EQ7 and EQ8, and what Schmiegel referred to as σ in his 1999 thesis. But, without a copy of your data we cannot say for sure. Have you compared your solution to the ones that we have posted at --- // [[|The Prodigal Son]] 2009-04-08// :-D to Tomoaki Itano //<>//: \\ Dr Itano, Congratulations on making the cover of PRL. I would be happy to compare your solution to the ones we've found. Along with the data, could you please also send me a copy of your paper? We have our solutions posted at [[|]] if you'd like to see them. --- // [[|The Prodigal Son]] 2009-04-08// {{gtspring2009:gibson.png?24}} Professors these days --don't they read anything? The database also shows the first posting: 2008-05-09. We should note in the paper and in a note to Itano that EQ8 was likely first discovered by Schmiegel in 1999. I'll do what I can to verify that the Schmiegel, our EQ8 and Itano solutions are the same. --- // John Gibson 2009-04-08// :-D My earliest record is the svn commit 552 to n00bs on May 6 by John, in which he says "2 new EQB pairs for narrow box, one NB/NB2-like, one EQ5/EQ6-like Found from exhaustive search on a long-lived NB unstable manifold trajectory Eigenvalues to follow." Did Itano send you guys his data? I haven't heard from him since the email below. --- // [[|The Prodigal Son]] 2009-04-08// {{gtspring2009:pc.jpg}} I'm writing this to a referee: "... one of our solutions (EQ8 found by John Gibson on May 6, 2008, posted on [[|]] Aug 25, 2008) was discovered independently and a letter submitted to PR Lett. on Aug 20, 2008 [[|[Itano and Generalis 2009]]]. This single solution was [...] published as a cover article of Physics Review Letters." 8-) Tomoaki Itano to Harclow: \\ My name is Tomoaki Itano and I am the corresponding author of the recent article Phys Rev Lett. V102 p114501 (2009) that has actually made the cover of the Journal for its current issue. We had a lengthy refereeing process that lasted for many months. In fact, we, my collaborator and I, had the results ready for publication for sometime now, but there was some discomfort from the referees to publish our __new Couette__ solution. At the final stage of this refereeing process, one of the referees asked us to contact your group for the purpose of comparing our results, pointing out to us your paper that you have submitted on the preprint archive. We take this opportunity therefore to make contact with you and perhaps compare data and/or opinions about the data presented in our independent works. \\ Yours sincerely, Tomoaki Itano, PhD. --- //<> Mar 24, 2009//

chaosbook/pcf.1239205225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/08 08:40 by predrag