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<- [[:chaosbook]] ====== How to edit and complete chapter chapname.tex ====== * chapter/chapname.tex source TeX * enter date into \Chapter{chapname}{22apr2007}{Blah blah} * brief motivational preface * edits: * keep original text in the public version of the book \PublicPrivate{ Old Text stays here... }{ % switch \PublicPrivate until New Text is finalized }% end \PublicPrivate * when you remove equation, figure, table, section, remark, example, etc., check the ENTIRE manuscript for references to the edited item, update them * follow ChaosBook conventions whenever possible, rather then introducing new symbols. Define frequently used symbols by a def.tex macros. That helps harmonize notation across ChaosBook. * \index{} entries in the text for all important concepts o check that you have not inadverently removed any * \example{}{}: illustrative examples, preferably "physical" applications, can refer to literature * tables * Fig/ figures*.eps - the bigest problem: we need quality figures, lots of them * FigSrc/*/: figure source programs in appropriate subdirectory * \Remarks section: all pointers to the literature (no references in the text proper, this is a self contained textbook) * \Resume: Summary of the key results * refsChapname.tex: references (the Physical Review conventions - please bracket the unused ones by the \Preliminary{ } brackets, do not delete them) * chapter/appendChapname.tex: appendices, if appropriate * Problems/exerChapname.tex: exercises * Problems/soluChapname.tex: solutions o add soluChapname to solutions.tex * save (do not delete) text that will go into future versions: \PublicPrivate{% ... public text ... }{% switch to Private: ... text for future versions ... }% end \PublicPrivate * run through a spell checker (American rather than Queen's or Central European spelling) Notational coherence and proper cross-referencing with the rest of the textbook should be ensured as far as possible. Edits fall into three general classes: - trivial ones about wordings and grammar: impelent without comments - less trivial ones about suggested revisions of the order of discussions and so on: mark the edits - places where I think the exposition is unclear: use comment enviroment, such as \NW{This makes no sense to me, or am I in love?} (if you are Niall). Here is the protocol for making changes: add something like %%NW: in the line preceeding a small edit, and %%NW:start edit ... block of text ... %%NW:finish edit if you rewrote a block of text. This way the other person can easily see what you did by scanning through the file ~~DISCUSSION~~