Wet & Wild: Dynamics of Turbulence, spring 2009

Tuesdays at 12:05-1:55PM - Howey W505

date study group guide topic
Jan 6 Predrag Cvitanović Turbulence in wall-bounded shear flows: a tutorial
Jan 13 John Elton Lagrangian turbulence
Jan 20 John Gibson Channelflow: a hands-on tutorial
Jan 27 group effort Channelflow: installfest
Feb 3 John Gibson Computing equilibria, traveling waves, and periodic orbits
Feb 10 Self Organize please pick a topic/lead the discussion
Feb 17 John Gibson Making Predrag's Dream Come True: programming with channelflow
Feb 24 Predrag Cvitanović Read Halcrow et al. on symmetries of plane Couette
Mar 3 Predrag Cvitanović Discuss term projects for everyman
Mar 10 John Gibson Come armed with questions about your project or about Dynamics for cyclists
Mar 24 Roman Grigoriev Transient growth: local and global stability Handel & Grigoriev GLE paper
Mar 31 Self Organize please pick a topic/lead the discussion
Apr 7 Self Organize Self Organize
Apr 14 John Gibson Poincare sections, periodic orbits, and other topics
Apr 21 Self Organize Self Organize
Apr 28 John Gibson wrapping up term project reports
May 1 Self Reliance Study group wrapped up for the summer


Jan 20: Moved most of last week's in-class tutorial in to the main channelflow tutorial. John G 2009-01-29 10:54

Feb 24: What I think would be useful:

  1. Present general plane Couette symmetry group
  2. Important isotropy groups of plane couette
    1. some portion of the 67-fold path
    2. the S group containing Nagata-Waleffe etc.
    3. how certain symmetries restrict kinds of solutions (rule out traveling waves)
  3. bifurcations and symmetry
  4. our ardent desire to quotient out the discrete and continuous symmetries

Feb 24: Please read prior to meeting: Halcrow et al. definitive discussion of symmetries of plane Couette (have a look at the version uploaded Feb 23 at 5:17pm). I assume that the study group has mastered ChaosBook Discrete time dynamics, Local stability and Cycle stability under Alex guidance, and I would be happy if you also understood Charting the state space and brought Qualitative dynamics for cyclists to within your comfort zone. — Predrag Cvitanovic 2009-02-23 12:10