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Paprocki research blog, spring 2009

Currently not active - all stuff goes into the 2d turbulence blogPredrag Cvitanovic 2009-02-08 14:05

movies @


:-D First post

What I've done so far:

-Made functions in MATLAB to do the following:
–Take in a movie file of 2D turbulence and run a particle image velocimetry algorithm on it and output a correlation.mat file, which contains velocity field data that correlates every pair of sequential images
–Take in a correlation.mat file and plots each velocity field, and then save the image of that plot
–Take in a correlation.mat file and output an array containing the magnitude of every vector in each plot as magArray.mat
–Take in a magArray.mat file and output a time series plot for a specified location
–Take in a magArray.mat file and output a recurrence plot

-Made movies of a number of test runs on the experiment with both periodic and turbulent motion, including plots of the velocity fields (see links section)

Here are some pictures of the recurrence plots. Both axes are time; the distance between two points along either axis is proportional to the time between the two points. Time “loops around” for the upper right triangle of each image (i.e. half of the image). The darker the color the closer in total vector magnitude the two points were. The lighter the color the further apart in total vector magnitude the two points were. I haven't yet analyzed the code close enough to make 100% sure that it's doing exactly what it's supposed to.

Turbulent motion:
glassturb2rec2.jpg turb3rec2.jpg turb4rec2.jpg

Periodic motion:
periodic3rec2.jpg periodic4rec2.jpg

Jon P. 2009-02-06 6:12 PM