A few topics that are often points of confusion I've marked with (!). Be sure to study these.
1. mathematical expressions how to write them in Matlab - + * / ^ algebraic operations \ solve system of equations Ax=b (x = A\b) = assignment into variable compact scientific notation (e.g. 1.4e-06) complex numbers (e.g. 3 + 4*i) Inf, NaN (!) 2. logical expressions (true and false, or 1 and 0) (eg x<y is a logical expression, has value 1 or 0) < > <= >= == ~= comparison operators && || xor ~ logical operators how to combine these to create logical expressions 3. vectors and matrices square-bracket notation for creating row vectors col vectors matrices when to use commas and semicolons creating vectors with linspace colon syntax creating vectors and matrices with zeros rand randn matrix-vector multiplication how it works dimensional compatibility Ax=b problems forming them from story problems forming them from sets of linear equations solving them numerically in Matlab accessing/setting elements of vectors and matrices (single elements, rows, columns, and subsets (!)) linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices + - * \ ^ ' elementwise operations on vectors, matrices (!) - + .* ./ .^ matrix-vector input/output load, save 4. plotting making plots with plot semilogy semilogx loglog making plots with multiple graphs colored, dashed, dot-dashed etc lines symbol markers annotation xlabel, ylabel, title, grid on, legend, axis clf, hold on, hold off graphical data analysis with each of above (!) plot: y = mx + b semilogy: y = c 10^(mx) semilogx: y = m log x + b loglog: y = c x^m 5. functions how to write anonymous functions named functions in files or at command line evaluating functions on data solving nonlinear functions with fsolve for loops use to compute sums and products perform an action repeatedly 6. miscellaneous built-in matlab functions sum mean size save load class who fsolve prod factorial fprintf