This syllabus is subject to change. We will make every effort to keep to it, but snow days and other disruptions might require changes. Do not make travel plans that would require you to miss class, particularly classes near exam dates.

Readings are sections in Zill First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th edition. If you use another text, look up the lecture topic in the table of contents or index.

Lectures without a specified topic are buffers for the inevitable lag. Homeworks are due in recitation on most Thursdays.

Please refer to policies for specifics on handing in homeworks, exam procedures, etc.

date    lecture                          reading   homework 

W 01/22 intro, definitions                 1
F 01/24 separable eqns                     2.2
M 01/27 1st order linear                   2.3          
W 01/29                                            HW1 due Thurs 01/30
F 01/31 exact equations                    2.4                      
M 02/03                                    2.5        
W 02/05 substitutions                              HW2 due Thurs 02/06
F 02/07 review                                     
M 02/10 EXAM #1

HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (linear, and mostly 2nd order)
W 02/12 y=exp(lambda t)                    4.3
F 02/14 Euler formula
M 02/17 
W 02/19 judicious guessing (undet. coeff)  4.4     HW3 due Thurs 02/19
F 02/21                                            
M 02/24 
W 02/26 variation of parameters            4.6     HW4 due Thurs 02/27
F 02/28                                            
M 03/03 
W 03/05 EXAM #2                                    
F 03/07 boundary value problems            4.1.1

(spring break)

M 03/17 definition, inverse transforms     7.1-2   
W 03/19 derivatives, solving ODEs
F 03/21 s-translation                      7.3.1   
M 03/24 
W 03/26 t-translation (Heaviside func)     7.3.2   HW5 due Thurs 03/27
F 03/28                                            
M 03/31 Dirac delta function               7.5 
W 04/02                                            HW6 due Thurs 04/03
F 04/04 convolution                        7.4     
M 04/07 EXAM #3

W 04/09 power series review                6.1.1
F 04/11 power series solutions
M 04/14 
W 04/16 regions of convergence                     
F 04/18                                            

M 04/21 matrices and vectors               ApII.1  HW7 due Tues  04/22
W 04/23 Ax=b, determinants                         
F 04/25 ODEs in matrix form, eigenvalues   8.1     
M 04/28 real eigenvalues, distinct         8.2.1   
W 04/30 real eigenvalues, repeated         8.2.2   HW8 due Thurs 04/31
F 05/02 complex eigenvalues                8.2.3   
M 05/05