Table of Contents

Math 753/853 Exam 1 topics

Floating point numbers

How do the number of bits dedicated to mantissa and exponents of floating point numbers determine

Solving nonlinear equations

We studied two methods for finding roots of the 1d equation $f(x) = 0$.

Bisection algorithm: understand

Newton method: understand

You should be able to write pseudo code or Julia code for either method. You're not expected to get the Julia syntax perfectly.

Solving systems of equations

We've studied two methods for solving systems of equations $Ax=b$.

LU decomposition: understand

QR decomposition

In addition we covered some basic linear algebra theory, including

About formulae: Rather than memorizing them, focus on understanding their meaning and being able to derive them or the first few instances of a general formula. You should be able to write pseudocode or Julia code (again, not necessarily perfect syntax) to implement a given formula.