For problem H of lab 3, you could turn in something like this

John Gibson
Lab #3, 9/18/2012
Math 445

Problem H.

>> % Show e^a e^b == e^(a+b) for a=0.3, b=0.4
>> a=0.3; b=0.4;
>> e^a * e^b 
ans =  2.01375270747048
>> e^(a+b)
ans =  2.01375270747048
>> % Show (e^a)^b == e^(ab) for a=0.3, b=0.4
>> a=0.2; b=10;
>> (e^a)^b 
ans =  7.38905609893065
>> e^(a*b)
ans =  7.38905609893065

Note that