Table of Contents


find an equilibrium, traveling wave, periodic orbit, or relative periodic orbit of plane Couette or channel flow, using a Newton-Krylov-hookstep search algorithm.

main options

  -eqb      --equilibrium                                          search for equilibrium or relative equilibrium (trav wave)
  -orb      --periodicorbit                                        search for periodic orbit or relative periodic orbit
  -xrel     --xrelative                                            search over x phase shift for relative orbit or eqb
  -zrel     --zrelative                                            search over z phase shift for relative orbit or eqb
  -T        --maptime           <real>      default == 20          initial guess for orbit period or time of eqb/reqb map f^T(u)
  -R        --Reynolds          <real>      default == 400         Reynolds number
  -sigma    --sigma             <string>                           file containing symmetry of relative solution (default == identity)
  -symms    --symmetries        <string>                           file containing generators of isotropy group for symmetry-constrained search
  -o        --outdir            <string>    default == ./          output directory
  -log      --logfile           <string>    default == stdout      output log (filename or "stdout")
  <flowfield>      (trailing arg 1)                                initial guess for solution

solution type

findsoln finds solutions of σ f^T(u) - u = 0 where f^T is the time-T forward map of the Navier-Stokes equations plus boundary conditions and σ is a symmetry of the flow. This equation has several kinds of solutions

You specify which kind of solution to find by telling the search algorithm which variables to treat as unknowns, with the -eqb, -orb, -xrel, -zrel options. The -eqb option specifies that T is held fixed; the -orb option specifies that is unknown. The -xrel and -zrel options specifying that the x and z phase shifts in σ are unknown. The appropriate combinations for each solution type are best shown by example.

commandsearch type
findsoln -eqb uguess.h5 equilibrium solution
findsoln -eqb -xrel uguess.h5 traveling wave in x
findsoln -eqb -xrel -zrel uguess.h5 traveling wave in x,z
findsoln -eqb -zrel -sigma sigma.asc -T 20 uguess.h5 traveling wave in z with an initial guess for wavespeed
findsoln -orb -T 64.3 uguess.asc periodic orbit with initial guess for period T
findsoln -orb -T 34.8 -sigma sigma.asc uguess.h5 pre-periodic orbit
findsoln -orb -xrel -T 49.1 -sigma sigma.asc uguess.h5 relative periodic orbit with phase shift in x

(mathematical details of algorithm