<- [[:programming]] ====== this must be simple ====== //Nikola Mirkov, 2010-04-29 04:45 // Hello, I report here a simple problem just to start my interaction at this discussion group. BTW installation went fine as soon as I provided all necessary packages (including fftw3-dev :)). Then I proceeded with getting started and after "nikola@core2duo:~/channelflow-1.4.2/bin$ randomfield -Nx 48 -Ny 33 -Nz 48 -lx 2 -lz 1 -m 0.20 u0.ff" I got "FlowField::binarySave(filebase) : can't open file u0.ff" Should I RTFM or there is a simple explanation?:) Nikola ~~DISCUSSION~~