====== Channelflow programming ====== This forum is meant for discussing questions about channelflow programming. To open a new topic on the list, - Make sure you are [[http://www.channelflow.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/start?do=register|registered]] and [[http://www.channelflow.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/start?do=login|logged in]]. Otherwise you won't see the "New thread" button. - Enter a brief subject line in the "New thread" window and click the "Create this page" button. - Write up the programming issue between the line with your name and the DISCUSSION tag. - Preview and save the new page. You can use standard [[wiki:syntax|dokuwiki syntax]], for example, surrounding code snippets with %% %%. I've copied some recent email Q&A here so it's publicly available. {{threads>programming}}