====== J. Gibson office hours ====== I will be in Atlanta on Tuesday March 10 and available to speak to people all day long. Please sign up for a slot and let me know the topic in advance if you can. If you want to meet at a different interval, like 10:15 to 10:45, just modify the times in the table. ^time^name^topic^ |09:00| | | |10:00| | | |11:00| | | |12:00-14:00| * | study group meeting, project Q&A, [[http://chaosbook.org/chapters/smale.pdf|Dynamics for cyclists]] | |14:00-15:00| | CNS colloqium, unless someone has only this time to meet | |15:00 | | Dustin Spieker - Poincare Section Project Questions| |16:00 | | | |17:00 | | | |17:30 | | depart for airport |