====== Math 445 lecture 22: inviscid flow past a cylinder ====== The velocity and pressure fields of inviscid, irrotational flow past a cylinder are given by \begin{eqnarray*} v_x &= v_0 \left(1 - \frac{a^2}{r^2} \cos 2 \theta \right) \\ v_y &= -v_0 \left(\frac{a^2}{r^2} \sin 2 \theta \right) \\ p &= 2 \frac{a^2}{r^2} \cos 2 \theta - \frac{a^4}{r^4} \end{eqnarray*} where $v_0$ is the speed of the incoming fluid, $a$ is the radius of the cylinder centered at the origin, and $r,\theta$ are the polar coordinates of point $x,y$. These functions are valid only for points outside the cylinder $(r>a)$. The following Matlab code plots the velocity as a quiver plot and the pressure with contours. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Inviscid, irrotational flow around a cylinder % Make quiver plot of velocity and contour plot of pressure for % Vx(r,theta) = V0 (1 - a^2/R^2 cos(2 theta)) % Vy(r,theta) = -V0 a^2/r^2 sin(2 theta) % p(r,theta) = 2 a^2/r^2 cos(2 theta) - a^4/r^4; % for a=1, V0=1, on domain -4 <= x <= 4, -4 <= x <= 4 %%%%%%%%% Define constants %%%%%%%%% V0 = 1; a = 1; %%%%%%%%% First draw the cylinder %%%%%%%%% theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100); plot(a*cos(theta), a*sin(theta), 'k-') hold on %%%%%%%%% Second make the contour plot of pressure %%%%%%%%% % define grid x = linspace(-4,4,201); % contour plots need fine grids, so use lots of points y = linspace(-4,4,201); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % compute polar coords r, theta on the x,y gridpoints R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2); Theta = atan2(Y,X); % use atan2(y,x) to get correct quadrant for theta % evaluate the formula for the pressure field P = (2*a^2)./R.^2 .* cos(2*Theta) - a.^4./R.^4; % set P to zero inside the cylinder P = (R > a) .* P; % draw the contour plot, using ten contour lines contour(x,y,P, 10); colorbar colormap jet %%%%%%%%% Third make the quiver plot of velocity %%%%%%%%% x = linspace(-4,4,21); % quiver plots work better on coarse grids y = linspace(-4,4,21); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2); Theta = atan2(Y,X); % evaluate the formula for the velocity field Vx = V0*(1 - a^2./R.^2 .* cos(2*Theta)); Vy = - V0*a^2./R.^2 .* sin(2*Theta); % set Vx, Vy to zero inside the cylinder Vx = (R > a) .* Vx; Vy = (R > a) .* Vy; % draw the quiver plot quiver(x,y, Vx, Vy); hold off axis equal axis tight xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('inviscid 2D flow around a cylinder') {{ :gibson:teaching:spring-2016:math445:lecture:cylinderflow.png?direct&500 |}}