===== Math 445 Mathematics and Applications in Matlab ===== Four goals - learn numerical programming - learn applied mathematics - explore applications - think about science and society - grow in speaking, writing, reading, maturity ====Command line (REPL)==== * Read an expression * Evaluate it * Print the result * Loop back --do it again! example >> 4 + 5 ans = 9 >> ====Arithmetic operators==== + plus - minus * times / divide \ divide ^ power % comment examples >> 4^3 ans = 64 >> 4/3 ans = 1.33333 >> 4\3 ans = 0.75 >> 4+3 % write a comment here, Matlab will ignore it ans = 12 ====Precedence==== ^ first * / \ next + - last examples >> 2*5^2-3/4+1 ans = 50.25 >> (2*5)^2-3/(4+1) ans = 99.4000 ====Special numbers==== pi 3.1415926... inf infinity NaN not a number i imaginary unit j imaginary unit for electrical eningeers! >> 1/0 ans = Inf >> 0/0 ans = NaN >> i^2 ans = -1 >> j^2 ans = -1 >> sin(pi) ans = 1.2246e-16 % wha...? What does this mean? This is scientific notation shorthand: ''1.2246e-16'' means $1.2246 \times 10^{-16}$. So the answer is nearly zero. But why is ''sin(pi)'' not exactly zero? Because computers can store and compute only finite truncations of real numbers. Matlab can't represent $\pi$ exactly, only a truncation of $\pi$ that is accurate to sixteen decimal digits. >> 0.4 - 0.3 - 0.1 ans = 2.7756e-17 % wha...? Here the issue is that computers use binary representations of numbers, not decimal representations. None of the three numbers 0.4, 0.3, and 0.1 can be represented exactly in binary. They're instead represented with binary fractions very nearly equal to 0.4, 0.3, and 0.1. Usually you don't see the difference, but sometimes, like here, you do. ====Variables==== >> x = 4 % assign value of 4 to variable x x = 4 >> y = 3 % assign value of 3 to variable x y = 3 >> x*y % evaluate x times y ans = 12 >> ans % variable ans is value of last expression ans = 12 ====Evaluating expressions==== If you want to evalue the same expression repeatedly with different variables, reset the value of the variables and use the arrow keys to "scroll up" to the expression. Then hit "enter" >> x = 3; >> y = x^2 - 2*x + 5 y = 8 >> x = 1; >> y = x^2 - 2*x + 5 y = 4 ==== basic math functions ==== sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, asin, acos, atan % the classic trig funcs, in radians sind, cosd, tand, secd, cscd, cotd, asind, acosd, atand % the classic trig funcs, in degrees exp, log, log10, abs, sqrt, factorial, mod % other awesome functions ====Workspace commands==== help ; supress format compact format loose format long format short diary on diary off who whos clear x clear all ls or dir pwd cd