====== Julia notebook how-to ====== 1. Click on [[http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/url/www.channelflow.org/iam961/iam961-hw3.ipynb|HW3]]. This will display HW3 as HTML in your browser. 2. Click on the download button in the upper-right corner (the arrow pointing into an inbox). Make sure your browser doesn't rename the file or change its extension. The filename should be ''iam961-hw3.ipynb''. If you have trouble here, trying right-clicking and "save as", or try downloading the file from [[http://www.channelflow.org/iam961/iam961-hw3.ipynb]]. 3. [[gibson:teaching:fall-2016:math753:installing-julia|Download and install Julia]], if you haven't already. 4. [[gibson:teaching:fall-2016:math753:julia-notebooks|Start Julia and open the notebook]]. 5. Do the homework by [[gibson:teaching:fall-2016:math753:notebook-workflow|filling in the notebook]]. 6. When you're done, change the notebook filename to ''iam961-hw3-mylastname.ipynb'', save, and email it to me as an attachment, with subject line ''iam961-hw3-mylastname''.