=====Math 445 lecture 21; Ordinary Differential Equations===== Lecture involves * physics => ordinary differential equation (ODE) * manipulating ODE until it fits form Matlab can integrate * Matlab's ode23, ode45 functions, plotting results * perhaps some idea of how Matlab integrates ODE =====Physics===== Pendulum physics, F = ma with linear air resistance m l \theta'' = -mg sin \theta - b \theta' \theta'' + c \theta' + g/l \sin \theta = 0 This is a 2nd-order nonlinear differential equation in one variable, theta. 2nd order b/c $\theta''$ term. Nonlinear b/c $\sin \theta$. Linearization for small theta would approximate sin theta = theta for small $\theta$. No big thing =====Get ODE into Matlab form===== Matlab can integrate 1st-order nonlinear ODEs in n variables, of form dx/dt = f(t,x) for vector x. Fortunately we can always convert an nth-order ODE in 1 variable to a 1st order ODE in n variables, as follows. Let x1 = theta x2 = theta' Then dx1/dt = d theta/dt = x2 dx2/dt = d theta'/dt = theta'' = - c theta' - g/l sin theta = -c x2 - g/l sin x1 So for vector x = (x1, x2), dx/dt = f(t,x) = (x2, -c x2 - g/l sin x1) =====Integrating ODE in Matlab ===== Let's code this as an anonymous function in Matlab, setting constants prior c = 0; % no air resistance g = 9.8; % gravity in mks (m/s^2)x l = 1.0; % one meter pendulum f = @(t,x) [x(2); -c*x(2) - g/l * sin(x(1))]; % integrate system of ODEs from t=0 to t=100, from initial condition % [x1; x2] = [theta; theta'] = [pi/10; 0], using Matlab's ode45 [t, x] = ode45(f, [0 20], [pi/10; 0]) % outputs are an % N-vector t of timesteps % N x 2 matrix x whose cols are x1, x2 = theta, theta' at the N timesteps % e.g. x(:,1) is N-vector of theta at times corresponding to N-vector t. % can graph theta versus t as follows plot(t, x(:,1), 'b')