% Problem 1. Suppose my cat gets sick one day out of seven. % How likely is she to get sick two days in one week? % Here's a straightforward, lengthy way to estimate the probability % Put all the constants up front Ntrials = 1000; probsick = 1/7; count = 0; for n = 1:Ntrials random = rand(7,1); % get seven random numbers between 0 and 1 % count up the number of times the cat is sick in week sickdays = 0; for d = 1:7 % if the random number is less than psick, cat is sick. if random(d) < probsick sickdays = sickdays + 1; end end % if the cat's been sick twice this week, increment the count if sickdays == 2 count = count + 1; end end prob = count/Ntrials; fprintf('Prob of two sick days per week is %f\n', prob);