INTRO M 8/29 intro, pep talk W 8/31 calc review, ODEs to know on sight FIRST ORDER SYSTEMS F 9/02 defn 1st order, separable HW1 due W 9/07 1st order linear (var of params) F 9/09 exact equations HW2 due M 9/12 substitutions W 9/14 examples F 9/16 EXAM #1 sample problems HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEMS M 9/19 motivation, terminology W 9/21 y=exp(lambda t), Euler's formula F 9/23 under, critical, and overdamping HW3 due M 9/26 judicious guessing (undet. coeff) W 9/28 variation of parameters F 9/30 examples HW4 due M 10/03 cauchy-euler W 10/05 examples F 10/07 EXAM #2 sample problems LAPLACE TRANSFORMS T 10/11 definition, inverse transforms W 10/12 transform of derivative, IVPs F 10/14 s-translation HW5 due M 10/17 t-translation (Heaviside func) W 10/19 derivative of transform F 10/21 transforms of periodic funcs HW6 due M 10/24 Dirac delta function W 10/26 examples F 10/28 EXAM #3 sample problems SERIES SOLUTIONS M 10/31 power series review W 11/02 manipulating series F 11/04 solutions about ordinary points HW7 due M 11/07 more solns W 11/09 bessel functions F 11/11 legendre polynomials HW8 due SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS M 11/14 matrices and vectors, W 11/16 Ax=b, determinants F 11/18 ODEs in matrix form,eigval HW9 due M 11/21 distinct real roots W 11/23 distinct complex roots HW10 due (thanksgiving) M 11/28 repeated roots W 11/30 phase plane F 12/02 EXAM #4 sample problems NUMERICAL METHODS M 12/05 Euler method W 12/07 Runge-Kutta F 12/09 Lorenz system HW11 due