Readings are sections in Zill //First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications//, 9th edition. If you use another text, look up the lecture topic in the table of contents or index. Lectures without a specified topic are buffers for the inevitable lag. Homeworks in parentheses will not be collected or graded; however you should do them as preparation for the exams. Please refer to [[gibson:teaching:fall-2011:math527:policies]] for specifics on handing in homeworks, exam procedures, etc. lecture topic reading homework INTRO M 8/29 classes cancelled, hurricane irene W 8/31 what is a differential equation? (1, skim) FIRST ORDER SYSTEMS F 9/02 definitions, separable eqns 2.2 HW1 due W 9/07 1st order linear (var of params) 2.3 F 9/09 exact equations 2.4 HW2 due M 9/12 substitutions 2.5 W 9/14 examples 3.1-2 F 9/16 EXAM #1 (HW3) HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEMS M 9/19 motivation, terminology 4.1 W 9/21 y=exp(lambda t), Euler's formula 4.3 F 9/23 under, critical, and overdamping 5.1 HW4 due M 9/26 W 9/28 judicious guessing (undet. coeff) 4.4 F 9/30 HW5 due M 10/03 variation of parameters 4.6 W 10/05 F 10/07 EXAM #2 (HW6) LAPLACE TRANSFORMS T 10/11 definition, inverse transforms 7.1-2 W 10/12 transform of derivative, IVPs 7.2 F 10/14 s-translation 7.3.1 HW7 due M 10/17 t-translation (Heaviside func) 7.3.2 W 10/19 transforms: deriv, convolution 7.4.1-2 F 10/21 transforms: periodic funcs 7.4.3 HW8 due M 10/24 Dirac delta function 7.5 W 10/26 F 10/28 EXAM #3 (HW9) SERIES SOLUTIONS M 10/31 power series review 6.1.1 W 11/02 solutions about ordinary points 6.1.2 F 11/04 regions of convergence M 11/07 solutions about singular points 6.2 W 11/09 bessel functions 6.3.1 HW10 due (Thu 11/10 in recitation) F 11/11 legendre polynomials 6.3.2 SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS M 11/14 matrices and vectors AppII.1 W 11/16 Ax=b, determinants F 11/18 ODEs in matrix form, eigenvalues 8.1 HW11 due M 11/21 real eigenvalues, distinct 8.2.1 W 11/23 real eigenvalues, repeated 8.2.2 HW12 due (thanksgiving) M 11/28 complex eigenvalues 8.2.3 W 11/30 F 12/02 EXAM #4 (HW13) NUMERICAL METHODS M 12/05 Euler method 9.1 W 12/07 Runge-Kutta 9.2 F 12/09 Lorenz system HW14 due